Photo's of NLP trainings in Sombor, Serbia 2015 - 2018




 Basic courses

Your unlimited powers: you have more power than you imagine!


Where do you want take a place in your lifebus? Behind or at the drivers place?




announcement of the workshop in Sombor October 2018

“Solution focused work” – NLP radionice u SEC-u
By Milica October 17, 2018
Cetvrtu godinu za redom, tu su nam naši dragi Holandjani Sytse i Marlies! Somborski edukativni centar vas poziva na dvodnevnu NLP obuku na temu „Fokus na rešenje, a ne na problem“ koja ce se održati tokom narednog vikenda, 20-21. oktobra u prostorijama Somborskog edukativnog centra na Staparskom putu 16 u Somboru. Poziv se odnosi na sve osobe starije od 18 godina – studente, zaposlene, nezaposlene, svih struka i profesija – koji žele da rade na sebi i unaprede svoje veštine suocavanja sa izazovima na poslu ili u svakodnevnom životu.

(english translation: "Solution focused work" - NLP workshops in the Sombor Education Centre)
By Milica October 17, 2018
For the fourth consecutive year, our beloved Dutch Sytse and Marlies are here! The Sombor Educational Center invites you to a two-day NLP training on the topic "Focus on the solution, not the problem" that will be held during the next weekend, 20-21 October in the premises of the Sombor Educational Center on Staparski put 16 in Sombor. The call applies to all persons over 18 years of age - students, employees, the unemployed, all professions and professions - who want to work on themselves and improve their skills in dealing with challenges at work or in everyday life.)

Neurolingvisticko programiranje (NLP) je najpoznatiji svetski komunikacioni model, odnosno metodologija koja izucava komunikaciju sa samim sobom kako bismo se samomotivisali i postigli cilj, ali ostvarili uspešnu komunikaciju sa drugim ljudima. Osim o komunikaciji, NLP nam pruža znanja, metode, veštine i tehnike o postizanju izvrsnosti, uspeha, srece i zadovoljstva na licnom i profesionalnom planu. Do te srece dovode pravilno postavljanje ciljeva i promena neželjenog ponašanja koje su pored komunikacije, najvažniji fokus NLP metodologije.

Prijaviti se možete putem maila ili telefonskim putem na 025 444 249 i 064 312 0311 najkasnije do petka, 19. oktobra do 16h! Prijava treba da sadrži ime i prezime, godište, zanimanje, kontakt telefon i kratku motivaciju zbog cega se prijavljujete za radionicu.

“NLP pokrece, usmerava, osnažuje… On je uvek vetar u leda i olakšava i ulepšava život. Uz njega se bude i iskorišcavaju svi naši resursi .”

Radionicu ce voditi Sytse Tjallingii, sertifikovani medunarodni NLP trener i Marlies Tjallingii, NLP master prakticarka.

Napomena: Radionica se realizuje na engleskom jeziku, te je potrebno osnovno znanje ovog jezika.

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Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is the world's most famous communication model, that is, the methodology that studies communication with ourselves in order to self-motivate and achieve the goal, but to achieve successful communication with other people. In addition to communication, NLP provides us with knowledge, methods, skills and techniques to achieve excellence, success, happiness and satisfaction on a personal and professional level. Until this happiness leads to the proper setting of objectives and changes in unwanted behaviors that, in addition to communication, are the most important focus of the NLP methodology.

(English translation: You can apply by email or by telephone at 025 444 249 and 064 312 0311 no later than Friday, October 19th to 16th! The application should contain name, surname, age, profession, contact telephone and short motivation, and you are applying for the workshop. NLP is running, steering, empowering ... It's always the wind in the ice and makes it easier and makes life easier. All our resources will be utilized with it. " The workshop will be run by Sytse Tjallingii, certified international NLP trainer and Marlies Tjallingii, NLP master practicioner. Note: The workshop is being conducted in English and requires basic knowledge of this language. Share this news with your friends Share on FacebookTweet about this or on TwitterEmail this to someone)

Sytse T.Tjallingii:

Zwolle, The Netherlands tel. 0031-38-4608461

NLP diploms from Sytse Tjallingii


participants training with the steps of the Giraf of Non-Violent Communication in Sombor 2015

training in empowering by anchoring with the circle of excellence